Artifical Intelligence

When asking Siri questions that only humans can answer, I tried to keep in mind that a human must be behind the answers in some way because at the current time artificial intelligence is unable to act independently. The first question I asked was “How are you?” With this question, I did not expect Siri to be able to answer because it is a form of technology and should therefore not be able to express emotions or feelings. The answer I received the first time I asked was “I’m fine, how are you?” The second time I asked the response was “I’m happy to be here.” These replies are obviously pre-entered by the humans who created Siri, and they simply cycle through. The next question I asked was “What is your biggest pet peeve?” I asked this question as an attempt to stump Siri because as a machine, it has never experienced anything, and it cannot feel emotions such as annoyance. The answer Siri gave me was “Hmm… I don’t have an answer for that. […]” This supports my thoughts that Siri would not be able to give a pre-generated answer for that question. The final question I asked was “What are you most afraid of?” The response I received for this question was “I’m not sure I understand.” This further supports the idea that Siri does not understand emotions, especially fear. This assignment was very interesting because I had only previously used Siri and other artificial intelligence for basic tasks, such as looking something up online or asking it to set a timer. I had never thought of this device in a humane way. It does make me consider a possible future in which artificial intelligence will be able to have feelings and express them.  


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