Artificial Intelligence notes
Robots were able to take over because they do not have the same needs as humans
They do not need food, water, human connection
They don't have feelings or pain receptors
This movie again shows robots that are indistinguishable from humans
Except for feelings
Sheila (robot) explains love in a very technical way
Explaining what happens to your body, not how you actually feel
The goal of this team is to create a robot capable of love and other feelings
“It isn’t simply a question of creating a robot who can love. But isn't the real conundrum, can you get a human to love them back?”
Humans rarely love things
At what point does this creation become human, or something worthy of love
“In the beginning, didn’t God create Adam to love Him?”
Dr. Hobby is trying to justify his reasonings for creating these new robots
Very futuristic looking cars
Shows cryogenic technology
Very futuristic looking homes
First of the new robots is given to a family who lost their child
Scientists are preying on the emotionally damaged because they think they are the only ones who would love a robot
“There is no substitute for your own child!” - mother
The outward appearance of the robots makes it difficult for humans to solely classify them as robots
Shows that robots may be able to mimic humans, but they will never replace them
Robot (David) doesn’t need to eat, doesn’t understand why humans do or what they are doing when they are
Monica is shown slowly warming up to david
Clear she misses her actual child
Likely why she chooses to imprint
David becomes like an actual child after the imprinting
David asks deep questions that a regular robot would not
Ex. Will you die? How long will you live?
Supertoy shown
Like a mini robot
David can interact with other technology
David appears to be jealous of Martin when he returns
Martin says he is real and David isn’t
Appears to confuse david
As well as all the other questions Martin asks like when is your birthday and do you have superpowers
Shown reading pinnochio
David is very interested in this because it is very similar to his life
Martin teases David because he cannot eat
Brings out a competitive side in david
He breaks down
David leaves his hand up so monica will hold it
Shows he craves human touch/connection
David will do anything to make monica love him
“If he was created to love, then it’s reasonable to assume he knows how to hate.”
These two emotions go hand in hand
Shows the dangers of creating robot with emotions
In attempting to have human connection, david keeps hurting people
He is still unaware of how to truly show love
David cannot pick up on certain social cues
David begs Monica not to leave him
Shows that he does feel emotions and a connection to her
Robots are later shown to be capable of intercourse
Robots shown wearing some kind of necklace
Give information but also tag them as robots for the humans
David has most if not all of the characteristics of a boy his age
Physically and mentally
Humans sent to destroy robots who have escaped so they do not become more powerful or take over the world
David shows fear when being taken by the humans
Shows he is capable of a wide range of emotions, not just love
David, unlike the other robots, is unable to admit he is a robot
Encourages sympathy from humans, especially those who are unaware he is a robot
Crowd cheering to destroy robots
Come together to save david from being destroyed
Very futuristic technology but Dr. Know is older, simpler looking technology
Lover robot says that humans will never love robots, they will only love what they do for them
David was so successful at acting like a human that they created many more robots just like him
David tries to ‘kill’/destroy himself because he thinks no one (his mother) will ever love him
Much like Pinocchio, David asks to be a “real live boy”
David’s immortality was a curse because he spent eternity praying to become something he would never be
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